This was the most confusing error I got when I was building and release the app for Android Store.
My android build configurations are listed bellow.
1. Tool Set - Cordova 6.3.1 using visual studio 2017
2. Target API level - 28
3. cordova-android @7.0.0
So the error message clearly gives the idea that Gradle deamon cannot start to complete the android build.
** First make sure you have installed and updated all the components for android SDK.
1. Lets check if you have installed Gradle, and it up and running. Open command prompt and enter the command 'gradle'. If you getting the un-recognised command error move to the step 2.
2. Delete all existing installations of gradle.
3. Download gradle latest version from
4. Copy the content to a folder in your C:\ drive.
5. Add gradle location to system variable 'path'.
6. Restart the computer and enter the command 'gradle' in command prompt.