Monday, October 21, 2019

Ionic 4 menu not working navigating to root.

I noticed that all events of root/home page isn't working after I have navigated back in my ionic 4 app.

So if you using a back button or a button to navigate to the root page use following code.

Click event of back/home menu item

  onHomeClick() {

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Windows SDK not found. Ensure that you have installed Windows 8.1 SDK along with Visual Studio or install Windows 8.1 - ionic 4, WIndows 10 UWP

Windows 8.1 is pretty much outdated. I think most of portable windows devices using windows 10. So add following lines to config.xml of your cordova or ionic app.

    <platform name="windows">
        <preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cordova InAppBrowser EventListeners not working on iOS

Hi All

I'm using cordova-inappbrowser plugin for several purposes inside a cordova app. This plugin worked without a problem for months.

Then  I noticed its not firing loadstop event when the navigation completed. After 3-4 hours of hit and misses found the perfect solution.

Problem was my iOS platform wasn't latest.

So when you developing apps using cordova make sure your platform versions and plugins are up-to date with OS upgraded.

So all I had to do is

Removing iOS platform.

cordova platform rm ios

Adding iOS platform - Latest Version 

cordova platform add ios

Removing the plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 

cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Adding the plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser - Latest Version 

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Using google places API with Server Controls

 When you are trying to using Google places API on a ASP:TextBox it will give you following error.

InvalidValueError: not an instance of HTMLInputElement

 Reason for this is creating a client control as a TextArea not as an input field. Current version of Google Places API not supporting TextAreas for some reason.

But good news is you can still use ASP:TextBox with Google Places API. Only change you should make is set the TextMode of your ASP:TexBox as search.

TextMode = "Search"


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Slowness of windows 10 and Google Chrome

Whats your favourite web browser? 

Yes, I know the answer its must be Google Chrome. What else as internet explorer is still too slow in response time and Firefox, Safari is still long way behind from google chrome.

But luxury is always comes with a cost. In my work computer I have 16GB of ram, state of state of the art  lintel i7 CPU and Solid State Drive as my primary storage.

Still my computer was too slow and and CPU usage was always about 100%. You can check cpu usage on your task manager.

So in my case I'm using google chrome installation for last year without clearing the cache or deleting temporary files.So google user data folder had around 5GB of space which slowing down the whole computer when I was using chrome.


So the solution.

1. First uninstall google chrome. Delete the old user data folder.

C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data

** You will lose all the bookmarks and any web browsing history. If you don't want to delete the history  just clear the google chrome cache. But its will not clean everything.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 publish to file system using old versions of release DLLs.

I still don't know the reason for this issue. I have a wild guess that my GIT configurations has something to do with this one.

Whats happened was when I'm publishing the project it was using old versions of DLLs.


All I had to do is build a release version before the next publish.

Could not start Gradle Daemon android build error in Cordova

This was the most confusing error I got when I was building  and release the app for Android Store. 

My android build configurations are listed bellow.

1. Tool Set - Cordova 6.3.1 using visual studio 2017
2. Target API level - 28
3. cordova-android @7.0.0

So the error message clearly gives the idea that Gradle deamon  cannot start to complete the android build. 

** First make sure you have installed and updated all the components for android SDK.

1. Lets check if you have installed Gradle, and it up and running. Open command prompt and enter the command 'gradle'.  If you getting the un-recognised command error move to the step 2.

2. Delete all existing installations of gradle.

3. Download gradle latest version from  

4. Copy the content to a folder in your C:\ drive.

5. Add gradle location to system variable 'path'.

6. Restart the computer and enter the command 'gradle' in command prompt.