Monday, August 21, 2017

Google chrome cache not clearing

We had this caching problem in one of our windows 8.1 computer. But I'm sure this issue is exist in all new version of windows and chrome.

So this is what we did to clear the google chrome cache and none of this work for us.

1. Clear cache using google chrome options.
2. Full page reload ( Ctrl + F5 )
3. Uninstall  google chrome install again.

So the conclusion is google chrome getting cached data from somewhere in your own hard disk. Sorry I didn't know exact location right now. ( Will find it and update ) .

All I did was doing a disk cleanup for the partition which has windows OS installed.  To do this please follow bellow steps and its  better to restart after doing this.

1. Right click on the drive.
2. Go to properties.
3. Click on disk cleanup button wait till you see the report.
4. Check all options in side the dialog window.
5. Click on OK button.
6. Restart windows.


iTunes won't open windows 10 64 bit

There are few solutions for this problem.

1. Run itunes as an administrator. If you are an admin user of your windows 10 computer this is the easiest way to fix the problem.

2. Uninstall and Install iTunes software. ( You need admin access for this as well )

3. Ask your administrator to install windows updated and itunes updated version.

First solution worked for me.

Monday, August 7, 2017

System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access denied. ( IIS and X509 Client Authentication Certificate )

 I'm using following code part to access a ReST API. I'm communicating with this API using a X509 client certificate.

In development site which I have IIS 10.0 its working without any issues. But after publishing on windows server 2012 R2 and using IIS 8.5 on windows server it's giving me following error.

System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access denied.

This happened even if I gave full rights to the machine key folder.

Ok. Lets focus on  the solution.

First I added certificate to user key set from code instead of machine key folder.

var certificate = new X509Certificate2(objApiCertficate.CertificateData, this.strApiPassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet);

Then you have to load user profile in your application pool.

Please restart IIS before test this.