Thursday, March 30, 2017

Generate method stub missing visual studio 2015

In visual studio 2015 micrsoft has added few extra steps, so you can validate and edit the method or whatever code part you going to add. Please follow the following steps.

1. Right-click on the method or property name you want to add.

2. Click on Quick Actions and Refactorings.

3.  Edit the method or property if you need and click apply.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Internet explorer virtual machines by Microsoft.

For developers Microsoft has provided virtual machines with various ie versions.

Vertual Box windows vertual machines causes windows 10 blue screens

Recently I needed to test IE 9 bug in my workplace. When I tried to launch the virtual machine provided by Microsoft ( Please go to this post to get more details about microsoft internet explorer virtual machines )  but my windows 10 crashed and went to blue screen window.

After few hours of research and googling I found the problem. Its the hyper-v, the very technology that Microsoft introduce to create better virtual  machines.

So I disabled hyper-v and seems to be all good.

Disabling hyper-v

 Method 1 - Turn windows feature off in programs and features.
 Method 2 - Powershell commands

dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All

Operating system not found windows 10

I had this issue with my old laptop often, There are few reasons with your windows 10 OS which can cause this error message when you starting your computer.

1. You have connected USB storage to one of your USB ports. Its always a best practise remove any USB storage devices attached to your computer before turning on 

2. Disk connectivity issues.

3. Corrupted files  in OS.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Javascript and CSS caching in cordova application.

When you developing apps with cordova ( Phonegap ) you must have noticed some css and script changes is not applying to your app sometimes. You should try following things.

1. Clean your project and run again.
2. Uninstall the app in device of emulator.
3. If none of the above did not worked then delete the content inside platform folder.